Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist – Part 56

The Warrior Heart Boot Camp

Lodge wideA week ago I was in Big Canyon in Utah, not far from Coalville and Park City.  I was attending the Warrior Heart Boot Camp.  It was a life-changing three days.  

In Part 48 of my blog from last March, I talked about this experiential weekend retreat.  After I went to the March retreat, I thought, “Well, been there, done that.” And I figured I had gotten what I came for and was done with it.  But after several months I could tell that I was losing some of what I had gained. So when I saw that they were holding another one in November, I felt the tug at my heart.  I prayed to know if it was OK to attend and felt an assurance that it would be a good choice. I registered for the weekend and looked forward to it.  

But during the weeks leading up to the weekend, I had bouts of cold feet, wondering if it was what I should be doing.  I found myself re-thinking the decision—I would need to take vacation time away from work, and the registration fees could be used for other pressing expenses.  Did I really need to attend a 2nd time?  Couldn’t I get the same thing if I just spent some extra time with God and read the book again?  

It reminded me of when I was serving my mission years ago.  We would be teaching someone and had committed them to baptism.  Then in the days leading up to the baptism, they would experience trials and adversity.  The evil one was trying to prevent them from being baptized. Some saw the problems as a sign that they were about to make a big mistake and God was trying to send them a message.  Others recognized the tactics of the enemy and continued strong.  

Since the March retreat, I’ve become more convinced of Satan’s efforts to take me out.  (See my post from last July.)  We’re in an all-out war for the souls of men.  

Last month in Conference, Elder Bednar said:
Satan “is the enemy of righteousness and of those who seek to do the will of God.” All day, every day, his only intent and sole purpose are to make the sons and daughters of God miserable like unto himself.

In that same Conference, Elder Stevenson taught:
Satan, the father of lies and the great deceiver, would have us question things as they really are and either ignore eternal truths or replace them with something that appears more pleasing. “He maketh war with the saints of God” and has spent millennia calculating and practicing the ability to persuade God’s children to believe that good is evil and evil is good. May we recognize Satan’s deceptions for what they are. May we withstand and see through the lies and influences of the one who seeks to destroy our souls and steal from us our present joy and future glory.

Giant SwingI attended again and had a different, but similarly powerful experience.  It was healing on deeper levels than the first time around.  I made stronger connections with good men who have my back in the battles I fight.  I left with a solid resolve and the skills to manage my perfectionism and to place the Lord at the center of my life.  

So now I’m putting in a plug for this retreat.  If you know a man who has been wounded in the battle of life, and could use some healing, consider inviting him to check into the Warrior Heart Boot Camp coming up in May 2020.  There’s also a version for women, called the Heart of a Woman Retreat coming up in February 2020.  Consider it.  

[Photo:  On the Giant Swing during adventure time.  In this photo, it looks quite tame because Im at the bottom of the oscillation, but it’s actually pretty intense!  It provides a spectacular view of the valley.]

To be continued . . . with Part 57