Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist – Part 77

Journey to the Subconscious

I recently had a “journey” experience that resulted in significant enlightenment and healing from the perfectionistic thinking that has hounded me for so much of my life. 

I’ve been limited by faulty core beliefs or FCBs (see Part 24 of this blog) which developed in my childhood years. As a result of childhood trauma, I took on incorrect beliefs about myself: I’m not important, I’m a bad boy, I’m inadequate, my needs don’t matter, I’m not   (fill in the blank)   enough. With those in my subconscious, I often responded to situations out of survival mode, not really knowing why. Most of my subconscious activity and behaviors were programmed without my awareness. Although I’ve made some progress at healing from those FCBs, more often it has resulted in entering cycles where I could end up wallowing in shame.

Those beliefs were held in my subconscious mind. So, even though I logically knew that these FCBs were false, my subconscious still believed them. 

Let’s explore a little bit about the subconscious vs. the conscious. Here are the main differences between the two brain systems:

While the subconscious mind remains active 24/7, the conscious mind is inactive while we sleep.

While the subconscious mind is exploratory, the conscious mind is inhibitory.

While the subconscious mind is emotional, the conscious mind is logical.

While the subconscious mind lives in the here and now, the conscious mind can think in the past and in the future.

Human language doesn’t exist in the subconscious mind but the underlying representations for human language are stored there. For example, the word “tree” is formed in the conscious mind, but the underlying form of a tree, its symbol or its representation exists in the subconscious mind!

Thinking is a function of the conscious mind, thinking does not happen at the subconscious level, instead, the subconscious mind processes representations of our real-life experiences, memories, etc.

We experience all of our dreams on a subconscious level every night during REM-sleep but we typically are not aware of it because our conscious mind is inactive and our bodies are at rest.

When people talk about the ego they are talking about the conscious mind. Since the subconscious mind never ages, it remains pure, child-like, curious, explorative all our lives.

Through the help of a gifted mentor/counselor I was able to suppress my conscious mind and access my subconscious. This mentor facilitated the journey using guided imagery, helping to effectively reprogram my subconscious, so that I could release the FCBs and the shame-based thinking. 

And it worked. I emerged from the journey with a heightened sense of who I really am—a beloved son of God with divine nature. I have the seeds of god-ness in me. My Heavenly Father’s love for me is pure and perfect, divine, infinite and eternal, constant and faithful. 

Jesus Christ is the source of all light and truth. His light is in and through all things. It fills the immensity of space. He is the way, the truth and the life, the light and life of the world. 

I experienced in a simple way the reality of the great intercessory prayer, that I am one with God and Christ, and they are in me. 

Having discovered my true identity, the desire for service has become instinctual. Seeing myself as God sees me, I’m better able to see others as God sees them. 

I’m closer to the mighty change of heart, the spiritual rebirth promised in scripture. 

Although I’ve received some shifts in my systems, I still have old habits and propensities that need to be worked through. The law of the harvest is real. Whatever I sow, I’ll reap. I receive what I give out. 

I’m eager to see where this new reality takes me. 

To be continued . . . with Part 78