BYUI Devotional Talk – 10/18

I spoke on October 23, 2018 at the BYU-Idaho Devotional.  Here are some resources I refer to in the talk:

The text of the talk (Document)

The video of the talk (23:31)

The pre-devotional promo video (1:00)

Doing Your Best vs. Perfectionism (Chart)

Resources to Aid in the Recovery from Perfectionism (List)

The pre-devotional radio interview on KBYI (12:25)

The song that goes with the radio interview:  All That I Am (4:17)

All That I Am

A person, a bit of deity,
Perfection, it seems so far to me.
Yet, I know I was created, a purpose to fulfill,
And I must seek the best in me to satisfy His will.

Each person, each child of heavenly birth
Has talents to find and use on Earth.
To ponder life is to achieve, to dream is to become.
For gifts left buried and untouched can benefit no one.

Whatever I can imagine, I can achieve.
Whatever I can dream, I can become.
And my Heavenly Parents expect nothing more
Than using all I am to reach the one.

This person will labor and become
The person God planned for only one.
For there are tasks for only me, things only I can be,
And children who will learn His word through gifts given only me.

(Words and Music by Randy Boothe, Vocals by Arlen Wilcock, Piano by David Hasson)