Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist – Part 63

The Chosen

One of my perfectionistic tendencies has been to see the Savior as unapproachable.  Because I’m not worthy or good enough, I can’t get close to Him.  

I recently watched the entire 1st season of The Chosen, a movie series based on the stories of those chosen to follow Jesus.  Initially, I didn’t agree with the portrayal of some of the characters.  But after the first few episodes, I noticed that it was starting to grow on me.  Especially the characterization of Jesus.  He was very human, but at the same time, divine.  He was able to laugh and dance, but He also cared deeply about others.  

the-chosen-walk_1_origWhen he looked at people, it was like He could see everything about them.  Even though his atonement was in the future, He seemed to know all about them—their struggles and challenges.  And he was full of mercy and compassion.  

I love how the series tells the backstory of each disciple.  Of necessity, some artistic license is employed, because we don’t really know what brought them to the point of following Jesus.  But the plots are believable and feel right.  

I don’t want to give away too much, in case you haven’t watched them.  I will just say that I was inspired and moved by what I saw and felt.  

The series is crowd-funded, so they aren’t dependent on Hollywood for funding; they don’t have to answer to any of the large production companies.  Hence, they can make the movies as gospel-filled as they want. 

The Chosen DVD setI watched the first season free online.  I was so impressed that I made a donation to the cause.  I also purchased the DVD set of Season 1, which helps them fund Season 2.  I noticed at Deseret Book that the DVDs were in the #1 Bestseller spot on the shelf. 

So, this is a shameless plug for some media that is both entertaining and inspiring.  I have been brought closer to Jesus.  I feel His love more readily.  The walls are coming down.  I can come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.  

To be continued . . . with Part 64