Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist – Part 101

(This is a continuation of the previous post.) 

There are two ways to look at a Deliverer.

One is that he delivers us from something. Like bondage or errors. 

The other is that he delivers something to us. Like the mail carrier does, or the pizza delivery guy, or like a woman delivering a baby.  

Jesus puts in our path resources to help us move forward in our progression. He delivers to us opportunities for growth. These might come in the form of:

A podcast, a friend, a conference talk, a therapist, a meme or YouTube video, a challenge, a paradigm shift, a class or course, medication, technology, a mentor, a support group, a new beginning, and the list goes on. 

Because Jesus is a Comforter, he delivers to us comfort. 

He delivers peace, because he is the Prince of Peace. 

He delivers to us truth and light. 

He delivers strength and resilience. 

He delivers healing and hope. 

He delivers ordinances and covenants. 

As the Good Shepherd, he delivers us to pastures green and sweet.

He prepares a supper and invites us to partake freely.

At His glorious Second Coming, He will deliver us to the next level of existence.

I have a strong testimony of the enabling power of The Savior’s atonement. There are so many things he helps me to accomplish, which I couldn’t in and of my own self. He truly is the source of every good thing. He is the vine and I am the branch. In the same way that the roots and trunk of a tree provide nourishment and sustenance to the branches, Jesus Christ is the living water and the bread of life that gives me growth, strength, and fruits. I am perfected in Him.

To be continued . . . with Part 102.

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